The people we spend most of our time with are our co-workers. There are simply times that our organizations fall into the monotony of work. It affects the morale, health, and productivity of employees.
If you are leading a team, why not give your colleagues a chance to bond and have fun at the same time?
There are numerous strategies to create workplace enjoyment. Here are some fun Zoom gathering activities you can do:
Lunch huddles
Pocket exercises such as 10-min stretches or breathwork during breaks
Friday happy hour, even just a drink or two while asking how the week went
Do crazy dress code themes with matching virtual backdrop
Videoke night, screen share youtube videos so everyone can sing along
Promoting fun at the workplace brings many benefits for both the company and its employees. Employees feel more welcomed, and at ease. Their productivity and creativity increase. Their overall well-being improves. Not to mention, it reduces absenteeism, and motivates frontliners to give out quality services to their clients.
Working from home is not an excuse for finding time to make engaging activities for your teams! Organizing an e-party is now a no brainer. Find a reason to celebrate, and fill up each other's social fuel tank.
Life shouldn’t be all work, and no play!
