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Are you taking care of your wellness with one eye open, and one eye closed? If you're starting to wonder how to achieve peak performance without burnout, I'm gonna let you in on a secret.




I am Wellness Angel.

I have witnessed and experienced the impact of overall wellness on performance and productivity — the hard way. Luckily, it's nothing tragic. It's just dealing with the usual stuff: stress, anxiety, depression, body aches, swollen knees, vertigo, excess fat in unwanted places, unhealthy relationships, feeling empty and lonely, and so on.  All these were enough for me to decide to clip my wings at the peak of my flying career and pack my bags for good after globe-trotting for more than 25 years. And this led me serendipitously to be obsessed with designing EFFECTUAL WELLNESS solutions so we can live a  happy, healthy, and abundant life. I call it WORK-LIFE WHOLENESS!


Here are my WELLNESS TOOLS just for you!

Building Wellness Habits

Promoting Professional Wellness

Quiet Escape in Nature

Get ready to journey from WELLNESS to WHOLENESS!

Do Well! Do Good! Do "Me"! You Can Have It All!

Max financial and career success, societal impact and service, and authentic self-expression

Discover the Power of Wholeness! Navigating the challenges of achieving work-life balance can often feel like trying to hit a moving target obscured by daily stressors. But fear not, because progress, not perfection, is the key. Embrace the journey towards Peak Performance – a state where you soar at maximum altitude.

Ready to Spread Your Wings? Unlock your full potential by focusing on four pivotal aspects of your life, each within your control: Body, Heart, Mind, and Soul. By nurturing these four dimensions, you'll find yourself living a harmonious work-life wholeness that breeds success and fulfillment.

Embark on a Transformational Path! Peak experiences offer resources, tools, and guidance to help you cultivate a balanced and thriving work-life experience. Explore actionable strategies, gain insights, and embark on a transformational journey that will empower you to create a nurturing environment for yourself and your team.

Join the Movement! Together, we can revolutionize how Peak Performance is prioritized. Join a community of like-minded professionals dedicated to promoting professional well-being, innovation, and impact. Together, let's reshape the future of work.

Unlock the Potential of Work-Life Wholeness! Take the first step towards a brighter future. Start your journey towards work-life wholeness today and unlock the incredible potential that lies within you and your organization by joining IGNITE MANILA 2024, a project of Wellness Angel as a co-founder of Ignite Centre for Peak Experiences powererd by Ignite House of Innovation.


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Thank you!


Get ready for a WOW Transformation!

Joana Alberto                                                                                                                                                                                                                 22 Holistic Wellness Consulting ©2024 

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