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About Joana Alberto

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Let’s look back on Wellness Angel’s third episode on What Happens When We Sleep

First, let me ask you. How are you sleeping? Are you the type who sleeps early or are you a night owl like me? Are you a drifter? Someone who likes to shift sleep schedules. Or are you the type who can sleep anytime, anywhere? Someone who can just lean back and doze off in no time.

When I was a flight attendant, sleep was gold. Back then, I had to make sure I get my afternoon sleep before a red-eye flight (those that depart past midnight), or else I’m doomed. That’s why I had to master the art of sleeping anytime, anywhere! It’s been six years since I had finally clipped my wings. Yet I am still trying to have a regular sleeping schedule like a normal person. Kidding! Although I know that I still owe my body so many normal sleeping hours to make up for the accrued jet lags that it had to bear.

In this podcast, I focused on sleep cycles, debunked sleeping myths, and shared tips on how to get good quality sleep. I based my insights on articles released by Sleep Foundation and Healthline. I also managed to draw inspiration through the workshop of Jay Shetty, the author of Think Like A Monk.

It all boils down to getting the quality sleep our bodies deserve.

Here are the 3S of quality sleep I’d like to share with you:

1.) Sun: Respect the circadian rhythm. Get as much light during the day. Our body adjusts to the amount of light that it is exposed to. If possible, refrain from using gadgets at least an hour before you sleep.

2.) Space: Make sure you have a conducive space for sleeping. Check if you are comfortable with your pillows, blankets, mattress, and other stuff. Don't forget to adjust the temperature (21 degrees Celsius if it's comfy for you) and the lighting (pitch black is ideal) if you need to.

3.) State: Prepare your body before you sleep. Eat at least three hours before sleeping. Reflect on your emotional state at the moment. Try not to sleep with a heavy heart. Practice gratitude and count your blessings.

To answer the question about what happens when we sleep, quality sleep repairs us in all aspects. We get to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. It recharges us so we can do more for ourselves and others while keeping our bodies in tip-top shape.

Want a simple life hack from yoga that will help you fall asleep? Cover your right nostril and breathe in and out through your left nostril. In the science of yoga, the left side of the body represents the moon's energy. It deals with the parasympathetic nervous system which is in charge of rest and digest mode. That’s why you can activate lunar energy or the left energy channel of your body by breathing through your left nostril.

If you are curious about last Monday’s podcast, feel free to watch it on the @wellnessangel page on Facebook.

Love and light. Till next time!

Let’s look back on Wellness Angel Channel’s second episode: Can We Choose To Be Happy?

Each one of us wants to be happy. What we should be asking ourselves first is, "What can we do to be happy?" before we start spinning our own version of happiness.

Let us identify how much negativity are we experiencing in our lives. We can do this by having our own happiness meter. We well know that this meter fluctuates constantly. So on a scale of 1-5, let's pause and ponder how happy we are now. Wherein 1 is the lowest meaning we're not in a good space, whilst 5 is when we are smiling from ear to ear.

I'd say that the lowest I've gone in the happiness o'meter was when I became an OFW working in the Middle East. The feeling was unexplainable when I was far away from my family — missing all those milestones in their lives. While my five was when I walked down the aisle and said, "I do" and also when I gave birth to my child. As a wife and a mother, there is an explicable kind of joy the moment we see and hold our child for the first time.

Going to the heart of the podcast, I have drawn my insights from Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project, and from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Robert Waldinger’s study on the lives of 724 men in 75 years. Both works concluded that wonderful connections are crucial to our happiness. And according to Dr. Robert, happy people tend to live longer and healthier lives.

Here are some nuggets of wisdom that we can also apply in our lives if we choose to be happy:

  1. Clean up! Too much clutter can affect us and it takes a toll on our mental health.

  2. Connect with our loved ones and friends - Good social relationships work wonders. Aside from having a better mind and creating memories, it also protects our brain.

  3. Keep our loved ones closer! Keep and take care of the relationships that matter most. No need to pay attention to our local Marites (a.k.a. rumor monger) and her minions.

  4. Accepting ourselves and the other person - We cannot simply change another person but we can create change in ourselves and guide them towards a better version of themselves.

  5. Money is like health. It may not guarantee happiness but it makes our life easier.

In conclusion, let's go back to our question, "Can we choose to be happy?" And the answer is "Yes, we can choose to be happy — by choosing to do things that can make us happy." It's not like asking our fairy godmother to wave a magic wand and gift us happiness. This means we need to put in time and energy to work on our own happiness.

Want to find yourself happy before you sleep? Try to imagine friends and loved ones in front of you. Think who among them adds value to your life the most and send them loving energy as you close your eyes.

If you want to watch last Monday's podcast, feel free to catch up at the @wellnessangel page on FB.

Be well! Love and light!

Here's a recap of REFOCUS: Managing Post-Election Anxiety — our kick-off topic last night on the pilot episode of the Wellness Angel Channel.

The anxiety that this past election brought upon the Filipinos regardless of whether they were a supporter of a losing or winning candidate was uniquely surreal — more of a nightmare in a sense. I've never witnessed how hurt and wary people were after the results came out: best friends blocked one another, families stopped talking to each other, and colleagues avoided looking at each other eye-to-eye. I was one of those who wanted to drop everything and fly off to Timbuktu. While some of us have already moved on, social media is still showing a lot of mud-slinging and below the belt arguments regarding the election process and the uncertainties that lie ahead.

The discussion last night didn't dwell on the negativity or on those who either won or lost. My stories and insights were focused mainly on how to help people cope by taking some tips from articles published by Ohio State University, Brown University, and Health Line, and seeing if it's practicable. So here's a summary of how we can work on ourselves after our candidate loses the election or after losing friendships and valued relationships because of the election drama.

  1. Reconnect with family and friends — only if you're sure that both sides are ready and you feel that you are in a safe and comfortable space

  2. If you have some serious symptoms of stress and anxiety, reach out or even ask for medical help

  3. Limit your social media/news exposure

  4. Connect with yourself. Nothing beats self-mastery — know your triggers, and figure out how to manage them. Writing down your emotions help.

  5. If you're the type, find something that you can do to help your community. Keep in mind that you don't need a politician or have to be a politician to make a difference.

  6. Acknowledge your feelings, know that they're valid, and then move on.

  7. Lastly, refocus! Refocus on things that are within your control.

One of the most powerful life hacks that I received from a virtual mentor was to write down all my worries, fears, and anxieties, then cross out the things that I have no control of, and learn to focus on the things that I can work on.

"Starve your distractions, feed your focus."

~ Daniel Goleman

Bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence

and Focus, The Hidden Driver of Excellence

If you wish to watch the full recorded video search for the @wellnessangel page on FB. Be well.

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Photo by Perchek Industrie from Pexels.j

Joana Alberto

is to breathe love and compassion in every passing moment— into our thoughts, words and in the works of our hands."

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