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About Joana Alberto

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Helping others has grown on me ever since I was a child. As a former flight purser and leadership trainer, I have made a career out of assisting, and empowering other people. I put on a friendly front, and delight my passengers easily. I promptly respond to their needs, and requests.

Serving others is something that we should all strive to practice. We get this warm fuzzy feeling when we lend a helping hand. It makes us happy when we can make someone's day better. However, when it comes to supporting others, we must be aware of our limitations.

Why? Eventually, being too helpful can burn us out.

Sometimes, we may not notice that some are already taking advantage of us. How can we help others without compromising ourselves? Simple. By setting healthy boundaries.

Setting boundaries does not mean being selfish. It’s self-care. Why is it important for us to know when to draw the line? Here are reasons why:

1.) Boundaries safeguard our safety and well-being.

2.) Boundaries establish genuine connections based on trust and respect.

3.) Boundaries conserve our social and emotional batteries.

4.) Boundaries make more time for worthwhile activities.

5.) Boundaries provide us with greater room to grow.

We all have our own set of what makes us uncomfortable. We must be clear about our boundaries and respect those of others. Let us first fill our own cups so that we might fill the cups of others!

Subscribe to my blog and let’s live a life ignited.

With the rise of the pandemic, I see small businesses emerge on social media. I notice them encouraging me to like their newly launched online shops' pages. Baking, cooking, crafting, anything under the sun, and I completely understand! I admire people who take the risk of starting a business by doing what they love and guiding it to its pinnacle.

As much as I recognize the value of having a side hustle these days, let us not put pressure on others to monetize every single hobby they have. Hobbies are activities that you enjoy doing in your spare time. They are meant to nurture our spirits, to be completed at our own paces, and to add purpose to our lives.

I am an artist. I love painting! I enjoy creating my own hues and colors and then leaving my lovely imprint on the canvas. I enjoy creating artwork for myself and showing it in my personal spaces. Because it is my creation, I gain something more valuable than monetary reward; the way it brightens my heart and spirit is priceless.

Hobbies are more than potential side jobs. If we want to create something for ourselves and our close circles to enjoy, that’s alright. Not everyone gets into something only for the money. Hobbies exist to provide happiness and contentment. In the middle of this tumultuous world, they provide us with solace.

And if someone decides to make their passion a way to generate income, we should support them and respect them. It takes a lot of guts to transform your passion into a career. One reason why people enjoy their careers is they find play at work.

What are your hobbies and interests? How do they spark your joy?

Let's connect! Subscribe to my blog and live a life ignited.

We had read a lot about seeing red flags in relationships and everything else under the sun. Now, let’s scratch that out. What are the green flags should we watch out for in our organization?

  • Remarkable Leadership

A good leader is critical to the organization. Leaders who use their authority to create leaders amongst their subordinates are rewarded with loyalty and high-quality work.

  • Transparent Communication

Transparency encourages trust and clarity. We don’t waste our time scratching our heads, wondering what’s next.

  • Acknowledgment and Promotion

When our efforts are recognized and rewarded, we feel appreciated. People perform better when they are positively enforced.

  • Allowing Growth and Learnings

People must grow for the organization to grow also. To make progress, there should be learning and valuable experience.

  • Emphasis on Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance entails enriching oneself and one's connections with others. It reminds us of the reasons we do well at work.

A healthy environment allows people to thrive better. An organization that cares for its people will have people caring for its success. After all, an organization survives because of the people that breathe life into it.

So, how about you? What are your organization's green flags? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

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Photo by Perchek Industrie from Pexels.j

Joana Alberto

is to breathe love and compassion in every passing moment— into our thoughts, words and in the works of our hands."

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