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Wellness Stories + Insights

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About Joana Alberto

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Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker from the United States, once said, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”

People would always ask me how I managed to stay fit while juggling work and my personal life. Even my son, Mikey, was amazed that I can squeeze in doing exercise despite being a busy bee. What they didn’t know was how I developed habits to discipline myself and prioritize my time well. They had no idea how much time I spend working out each day or how many times I had to stop myself from eating too much junk food. Although I’m not perfect, there are days, or weeks even, when I just allow myself to be lazy and eat whatever I want. While others call it cheat days, I call it treat days.

Wellness is something not achieved overnight. It is a lifelong voyage. We have to be constantly developing awareness of how we can live life to the fullest while maintaining an ideal state of well-being. To achieve our wellness goals, we have to develop this one crucial thing first: Self-discipline.

If we wish to attain wellness, we have to first understand that self-discipline can be challenging to develop within ourselves. Even so, it is a powerful tool for propelling us forward, motivating us, and keeping us focused. It is not self-deprivation; it’s a matter of rewarding ourselves at the right time. Self-discipline is formed through habits and habits do take time to build up.

To develop self-discipline, we must first identify our objectives, what inspires us to attain them, and what behaviors are preventing us from achieving them. Make a list of the steps you’ll take and your timetable. Then you can then begin your journey and track your progress from there. Start a checklist. Feel free to enlist the help of others to better assess your development.

Do you need a boost to reach your goals? Let's join forces and grow together. Subscribe to my blog and enjoy life ignited.

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Corporate Wellness is a holistic strategy that encourages workplaces to make healthier and better life choices. It seeks to fulfill them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. One can say a lot of things about how a company works with how much they value well-being of their employees.

A growing number of workplaces are recognizing the significance of corporate wellness. According to the Workplace Health in America 2017 survey, nearly half or 46.1% of worksites in the United States offer some form of a wellness program. Why should we promote corporate wellness in our workplaces? Here are 10 reasons why:

  • Healthier employees mean higher levels of productivity

  • Less likelihood of diseases and health risks

  • Reduced employee absenteeism

  • Cuts healthcare expenses and productivity losses

  • Sustains high morale and job satisfaction in the workplace

  • Higher employee retention

  • Builds engagement around employees and encourages collaboration

  • Forges better relationships with both colleagues and executives

  • Promotes creativity and mindfulness

  • Better mental health and reduces stress

Many wellness programs are getting more diverse and flexible as times change. Workplaces also provide their staff wellness program options and incentives for participation. What are your creative ways to implement corporate wellness programs in your workplace?

Let me know!

I began branding myself as a wellness angel by caring for people who were dealing with insecurities with their body, and felt helpless to overcome them. I wanted to give them hope and strength so I encouraged them to ditch their unhealthy habits and push them towards wellness. Through hope, we managed to gain results. They became the people they aspired to be: physically, mentally and heartily.

Hope enables us to maintain our resolve in the face of adversity. It is a force that transforms something grim into something brilliant. Here are three reasons why:

1. Giving hope is free. We search for support and validation when problems arise; Words of comfort and a listening ear are enough to lighten the load in our hearts. We instill hope that things will get better. Even in the darkest nights, dawn will always arrive.

2. Hope inspires dreams; Dreams make you get up on your feet and start grinding! If we are inspired and working, great changes can happen. We just need to hone our skills and improve. Once we are ready, I believe that God will provide us the opportunities we have been praying for.

3. Hope is contagious. The stories we share can spark others to do something. For example, I saw most of my friends on social media are starting their new businesses, and my "like" to their pages means a lot to them. If we plant the seeds of hope, it branches out until it grows into a strong tree. And the world can be a better place.

Hope is more than just wishful thinking. It’s built with planning, commitment, and discipline. It is filled with goals and aspirations for the future. Now, what are your hopes for the future? Let me know!

Do you want to join me in igniting hope? Subscribe to my blog. I’ll give you a token that might spark your interest.

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Photo by Perchek Industrie from Pexels.j

Joana Alberto

is to breathe love and compassion in every passing moment— into our thoughts, words and in the works of our hands."

Blog: Quote
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