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Wellness Stories + Insights

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About Joana Alberto

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As a wellness angel, I have people asking for assistance to shape not just their body, but their dream lives. I often meet OFWs who want to return home permanently. Due to circumstances, they still can't. They're not ready financially, mentally and even emotionally. So I ask them what kind of life they want to live back at home with their families. For those who manage to come home for good, just like me, (no matter how much they prepared) they had to make adjustments entirely different from what they had initially mapped out.

Designing our dream life serves as our road map; our guide in making the best decisions for ourselves and our loved ones and to reach peak fulfillment. Like in archery, we have a target. We are the archer; the resources we have are the bows and the arrows. Then we practice shooting until we hit the bull’s eye. And sometimes the bull's eye is a moving target, thus we need to just fire to see how much we need to realign and change our plans.

But there are times, we need to switch targets.

Life is a series of lessons that are full of both answers and questions. Sometimes, there are unanswerable questions. Part of our growth is learning and unlearning things. Our priorities shift as we grow older. As we age, our priorities evolve. For example, when I was younger, I could feast on junk food without gaining a single pound. Now that my metabolism is much slower, I need to practice mindful eating to maintain my ideal weight!

It’s okay if we change something in our plans. Life is never a straight line. We all grow and our priorities change. What we wanted 20 years ago may not be what we want today. Our loved ones are also growing up. The world is evolving so fast. Change is inevitable. It is completely fine if we do some tweaks and adjustments here and there. What's important is we enjoy the crooked path, and appreciate the surprises that pop up around the corners.

Want to build your dream life? Let me help you! Subscribe to, and let's stay connected.

While I was sipping some green tea, I reminisced about my Ab Initio at Etihad Airways. I was both excited and anxious at the same time. I was in a new place, ready to meet new people, make new friends and expand my horizon. I was ready for a reboot. My mind was set to unlearn the old ways and embrace the new. I smiled eagerly with my batchmates; we are prepared to take on the challenges and keep smiling even when things get tough.

The first day is always one of the most memorable days in every milestone of our growth. We always see people who are grateful for their first day at their new jobs or of their new businesses. We are all eager to unleash the potential inside, and harness it to create something meaningful.

Our first day is also our way of thanking the people who supported us and gave us the courage to start.

The first day sets the tone for success. It gifts us a fresh start. It’s like a brand new canvas ready to be painted on with vibrant hues and tones, beautiful textures and images, along with mysterious nuances to create our life masterpiece.

Let's compare your first day and today. Now, be proud of how much you have accomplished and how many challenges you have overcome.

Let's stay connected. Remember to SUBSCRIBE.

Greek philosophers refer to 7 different types of love. I love how all of them sound. Try saying it out loud, and you’ll know what I mean: Storge, Philia, Eros, Ludus, Pragma, Philautia and our focus, Agape.

What is Agape? For Martin Luther King Jr., it is a love that seeks nothing in return. It seeks redemptive goodwill for all people.

For me, Agape is to practice empathy, compassion and ultimately love. It is that nagging feeling of wanting to give the very best of who we are without expecting anything in return. This deep and genuine desire to build others up, to be with them in times of need, and to celebrate with them in times of triumph.

How can we build each other up? Let’s try out these five ways:

Approach with kindness

Remember the Golden Rule? It will never get outdated. Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. If we want to be treated kindly, we must also treat others the same.

Guide and Teach

The knowledge we impart to others will create an impact when the day comes. We are all learners and teachers. Without appearing to be all-knowing of course.

Affirm and validate

There are some dark days but we can always instill hope in other people’s hearts. A shoulder to cry on, words of comfort, and a listening ear are enough. Sometimes the most powerful affirmation and validation is your mere presence.

Put an end to angry words and gossip

Words hurt more than physical wounds. They can make or break a person. This is why we must be careful with the words we utter. The world can be harsh but we can be someone’s safe place. Remember what that cute little Disney rabbit said? “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”

Encourage and enforce

People aspire to be someone better than their old selves. We can be that force who propels them to fulfill their highest potential and greatest promise.

People are like plants. We sprinkle water on them and give them light so they can grow. To build up each other, let us remember this simple acronym: AGAPE.

  • Approach with kindness

  • Guide and teach

  • Affirm and validate

  • Put an end to angry words and gossip

  • Encourage and enforce

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Photo by Perchek Industrie from Pexels.j

Joana Alberto

is to breathe love and compassion in every passing moment— into our thoughts, words and in the works of our hands."

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