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Wellness Stories + Insights

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About Joana Alberto

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Before I became a corporate wellness consultant, I was a cabin manager and a leadership trainer in the aviation industry. And before I could operate the flight and lead the flight attendants, I had to be a flight attendant first! I took the crew seat at the tail end of the aircraft for years, before I got to sit behind the cockpit door; and be in-charge of the well-being of people inside a metal capsule worth millions of dollars. I had to learn the basics. I made some mistakes, and gained confidence along the way. As a leader, I should know all the standard operating procedures (safety, security, service, aviation health, emergency) by heart, so I could make sound judgment for my crew and passengers.

For me to teach people how to fly, I should learn how to fly first. Then I’d fly with these people until they’re ready to venture the skies alone and lead their own flock.

Great leaders walk the talk. They encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas. They listen to feedback. They know how to give credit where it’s due. They know how to motivate and help people grow. They don't take crap, and they're fair. They want only what is best from the people they lead.

Great leaders take time to develop themselves and grow successfully by themselves. They ignite their own torches so they could light up the torches of others. Then the flame they have started will also pass on and light up more torches.

Hearing words of appreciation from subordinates is enough to touch a leader’s heart. When was the last time you expressed gratitude to your superior?

Please don't forget to subscribe. Will send you my ebook as a token if you do.

One of the things most of us struggle with is self-love. We tend to think that self-love is selfish. We put ourselves down, and let negative thoughts snowball and eat us up.

Some of us look for a person to love, hoping to get in return that kind of love that will sweep us off our feet, and make us complete.

I can reassure you that self-love is not selfish. It is a necessity to keep ourselves alive and fulfilled. Remember, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. We are all worthy of the best things life can offer.

Self-love is a series of building habits to boost ourselves. But how can we say “I love me” with much gusto and sincerity? Here are some ways we can express it.

  • Look at the mirror, take selfies, and compliment yourself. Don't be shy.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others. You are your biggest rival.

  • Start a journal. Jot down your goals, what you want to improve, and your achievements.

  • Celebrate small and big wins.

  • Meditate; A moment of peace clears the mind and promotes positive energy.

  • Savour your meals. Food should nourish our body, heart and spirit.

  • Do something physical like yoga or jogging. It keeps you fit, active, and happy.

  • Say no, and set boundaries.

  • Fire up your passion and creativity.

  • Make room for mistakes and improve. Don’t be afraid to fail

  • Try new things!

  • Find a reason to connect with your inner circle — family and friends alike.

  • Declutter. Literally and figuratively.

  • Let go of the past wounds. Lesson learned. Forgive yourself.

  • Breathe. Relax and recharge.

As Lucille Ball said, “Love yourself first and everything goes in line.” Self-love does not happen overnight. We go through it at our paces. Relapses may happen but we can always continue where we left off. If we are kind to ourselves, it manifests inside out. We naturally spread this love as it overflows.

Let me ask you. How did you express love to yourself today?

Please don't forget to subscribe. Will send you my ebook as a token if you do.

After speaking or delivering workshops, some unfamiliar faces would approach me. They would say, “You don’t look your age. I think yoga really makes you look young. I really love your topic. That mindfulness exercise is really something.”

I may not remember some of their faces, yet they all remember me! First impressions last.

We can learn a lot about people by looking at them and listening to how they talk. If we look pleasant and carry ourselves well, we maintain our positive image, commitment, and professionalism. For some of us, we represent our organizations so appearances are crucial.

We keep our gestures, words, and facial expressions in check to make others feel at ease. We want them to feel important, comfortable and validated.

We also gain the confidence of the people we encounter. We either convince the client to work with us or gain consideration of colleagues towards our ideas. We get to share our little nuggets of wisdom, and watch how we add value to the lives of others when they practice what we preach.

Looking great boosts our morale. We feel limitless and confident, motivated to give our best. Dressing for success is not some random quote. It is a way for success to find you.

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PS, This photo was taken two months after I shaved my head when I turned 50 — two years ago.

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Photo by Perchek Industrie from Pexels.j

Joana Alberto

is to breathe love and compassion in every passing moment— into our thoughts, words and in the works of our hands."

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